Memorable Celebration

My spouse, Carol Diamond, and I had the great pleasure of being with David and much of his extended family last summer at a glorious birthday celebration for David’s sibling Bonnie. We will always treasure that time we got to know David better, in the midst of family love we were privileged to share.

A Second Father

My uncle was a kind soul and growing up I looked to him as a second father in my youth. Having so many memories of him makes it too hard to choose just one. He was a patient and firm influence in my younger days. He will be missed.

I add my name to the long list of those who loved David

What do you say about a man who was so much to so many people? I knew him as my son’s Father-in-Law, as a partner in crime Grandparent, and as a friend. How lucky I was that he was in my life! I knew he loved my son as his own and I saw how my son loved him back and all the positive influence he had on him. He was my co-conspirator Grandparent, we shared the love and joy and fun that Ian brought us. And he was my friend, full of fun but also caring, and kind. I learned from him that life is precious and not to be wasted but enjoyed and lived every minute. I don’t know how to fill the void that he has left, except to love those he loved a little harder and to live life a little fuller. I add my name to the very long list of those who loved David.

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Farewell my friend

David, I’ll miss your smile, laugh, and easy going style. You’ve been a good friend from the day we met. When I’ve talked about you to friends I didn’t describe you as my sons in-law…that seemed too distant. You were either my close friend or brother.

This picture makes me smile every time I look at it. It was silly to get matching PJs for Christmas with the kids but you were right on board. Your fun loving style and friendship will be sorely missed.

Thank you for bringing Kelly into our lives. The two of you together we’re magic and we were always thrilled to get together and spending time with you both. Never a dull moment.

Goodbye my friend. I look forward to seeing you on the other side, raising a glass and toasting all those we’ve loved.


Beloved Papa

I have been so very moved by the outpouring of love and support from family and friends during this awful time. To begin this memory page, I will simply share a couple of photos of Dad in his element as a beloved Papa.

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