User Submitted Post

David and I knew each other professionally for many years before we ever worked together at Tampa Air Traffic Control Tower/Tracon. At Tampa is were I really learned what a great person Dave was to be around. We laughed, we shared personal stories and dreams both won and lost. David Findley proved to be extremely knowledgeable in Air Traffic procedures; so much so, that I would often look at him, shaking my head and say, “you are like a flipping genius!”
After Dave retired, we didn’t see much of each other; but, Sabrina and I followed Kelly and him on facebook. We were constantly amazed how every time we started to plan a trip, vacation, movie or play adventure; they would post about that exact adventure they took….always a step ahead! Kelly and David even got Married and had their honeymoon exactly where we were planning ours…of course they got there first!
I’ll always remember David for the laughs, the advice but most of all for his friendship!

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